=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= From: Pierre Soille To: mdigest@jrc.it Date: Sunday, December 2, 2007, 7:45:00 PM Subject: MDIGEST_LIST: MDigest, vol. 14, issue 3, Dec 2007 Files: --====----====----====----====----====----====----====----====----====----===-- MORPHOLOGY DIGEST Volume 14, Issue 3, December 2007 HTML: http://ams.jrc.it/mdigest/DIGEST/Digest07-3 PDF: http://ams.jrc.it/mdigest/DIGEST/Digest07-3.pdf ASCII: http://ams.jrc.it/mdigest/DIGEST/Digest07-3.txt edited by Pierre Soille Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, Ispra site, Italy Scope: the scope of the Morphology Digest list is to provide a communication channel between people interested in mathematical morphology and morphological image analysis. Related posts such as publication and conference announcements, algorithms, software, queries, and job proposals are seeked. The list is moderated in the sense that all messages are collected by the list owner and then edited on a regular basis so as to create an edited digest (maximum 6 per year). The digest is then sent to all list subscribers but also appears at the following URL: http://ams.jrc.it/mdigest Subscribe: email to listserver@jrc.it with "subscribe mdigest" as BODY of message and empty subject. Unsubscribe: email to listserver@jrc.it with "unsubscribe mdigest" + email address as BODY and empty subject. Submissions: email to mdigest@jrc.it with "submit" as subject. Please note that only submissions from list subscribers will be read by the editor. Archive site: http://ams.jrc.it/mdigest Contents: 1 ISMM'07: summary of event 2 Call for Proposals for the organisation of ISMM'09 3 Birkhoff and the Alexandrov specialization order 4 Recent literature ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================= 1 ISMM'07: summary of event ========================================================= From: banon at dpi.inpe.br The Image Processing community has experienced a great semester in terms of conferences in Brazil. In September, we had the ICDAR, the International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, in Curitiba, Parana. In October we had the SIBGRAPI, the Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing (an international conference in spite of the name) in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais; we have also had the ISMM and the ICCV (International Conference on Computer Vision), just after ISMM, in Rio de Janeiro. ISMM'2007 took place at the beautiful beach of Copacabana, at the Luxor Regente hotel. The hotel has a small place for conferences and it turned out to be exactly the size we needed. We had the participation of 83 attendees (34 students, 44 professionals and 4 invited lecturers). We had three days of intense activity: 1 Four invited lectures: 1.1 Dr. Robert Loce talked about some interesting problems in the printing industry and how he and his team are solving them with Mathematical Morphology. 1.2 Dr. Luc Vincent talked about the huge project of taking google maps to street level and the several image processing problems they are facing and solving. 1.3 Dr. Luis Velho talked about a unified topological and geometric framework to deal with multiresolution solids. 1.4 Dr. Alexandre Falcão talked about the Image Foresting Transform and the several applications of the transform from Image Processing to Machine Learning. 2 Thirty seven paper presentations. 3 Thirty five short-paper presentations during the coffee-breaks (people were busy even during the breaks). 4 A cocktail with Brazilian music and the presence of our friend Dr. Marco Gubitoso performing some magic tricks to the attendees. For ISMM'2007, two books have been produced: 1. A printed book published by MTC/INPE (São José dos Campos, Brazil). It contains 38 full papers accepted for oral presentation at ISMM'2007. The book was distributed to the ISMM'2007 attendees. Some free copies are available for university and research laboratory libraries, requests can be made to Gerald Banon (banon at dpi.inpe.br) sending the full mail address of the library. 2. The on-line proceedings. These proceedings consist of two volumes. Volume 1 contains the 38 full papers of the printed book. Volume 2 contains the 35 extended abstracts accepted for poster presentation. Volume 2 has been announced on the ISMM'2007 web site: http://ismm.dpi.inpe.br/2007 Besides that, there is going to be a special issue of IVC with the best papers of ISMM'2007 (according to the Brazilian committee and the input from the MM community). The authors of the selected papers will be asked to submit a longer, more detailed and augmented version of their work to IVC. The papers will be reviewed following the usual IVC submission process, with the Brazilian committee members as guest editors. The ISMM organizers want to thank all the participants, the reviewers, the sponsors CAPES, CNPq, FAPESP, National Instruments, and direct and indirect collaborators for the success of the event. Gerald Banon Junior Barrera Ulisses Braga-Neto Roberto M. Cesar Jr. Nina S. T. Hirata Roberto Hirata Jr. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================= 2 Call for Proposals for the organisation of ISMM'09 ========================================================= From: cronse at dpt-info.u-strasbg.fr During ISMM'2007, the ISMM Steering Committee met and discussed possible locations for the next ISMM, for which we received several suggestions. It was agreed that it should be held in 2009, but before making a decision, a detailed review of all possibilities is necessary. Therefore we are now making an official call for proposals for the organisation of ISMM'2009. These proposals will be discussed among the ISMM Steering Committee members (who currently are Junior Barrera, Isabelle Bloch, Renato Keshet, Petros Maragos, Fernand Meyer, Jos Roerdink, Christian Ronse, Philippe Salembier, Pierre Soille, and Hugues Talbot). For the Steering Committee to have all the information necessary for an informed choice, proposals should be as detailed as possible, in particular they should address the following points: 1. Scientific and organisational strength of the proposed site; provide detailed information concerning: * the program chair; * the local team that can help with the practical organisation; * what administrative support the organiser's institution(s) can provide; * expected costs and subsidies; * expected local and regional attendance. 2. Scientific arguments in favour of the proposal, in particular: * strength of MM teams in the area; * possible impact of ISMM on the image processing and vision community, arising from this choice of location. 3. Timing and relation with other conferences to be held during the same period, for example: * ISMM as a standalone conference (like pre-2005 ISMMs); * ISMM to be held just before or just after another conference held in the same region (as happened for ISMM'2005 and 2007); * ISMM sharing some sessions with another conference (like DGCI and GBR); * ISMM as an official satellite meeting of a larger conference. Specify the related conference and the precise constraints associated to the relation. Please send your proposal to myself (cronse at dpt-info.u-strasbg.fr) before December the 31st, 2007. On behalf of the ISMM Steering Committee, Christian Ronse ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================= 3 Birkhoff and the Alexandrov specialization order ========================================================= From: cronse at dpt-info.u-strasbg.fr One calls an "Alexandrov topology" a topological space where an arbitrary intersection of open sets is open, or equivalently, every point has a least neighbourhood. Alexandrov called it a "discrete space". The Alexandrov specialization theorem characterizes an Alexandrov topology in terms of a quasi-order, that is, a reflexive and transitive relation on that space. An Alexandrov topology on E and a quasiorder <= on E correspond as follows: - p <= q iff p belongs to the closure of {q}; - the open sets are the upper sets for <=, that is, sets X with (p in X, p <= q) implies (q in X). Moreover that quasiorder is an order relation (i.e., it is antisymmetric) iff the topology satisfies the T0 separation axiom. The usual reference for this result is [2], as well as Alexandrov's later works (such as his topology book with Hopf, or his monograph on combinatorial topology). In fact, while developing his theory, Alexandrov discussed with Birkhoff. In [1] Alexandrov proposed the axioms for a "discrete space" and stated that it corresponded to a partially ordered set. Birkhoff answered him in [3], and among other things stated that he was studying similar structures in the framework of abstract algebra. Then Alexandrov published his results in [2], in particular the specialization theorem. The same year Birkhoff published [4], where he proved that a "complete ring of sets" (family of sets closed under arbitrary union and intersection, including void ones) corresponds to a quasiorder. A "complete ring of sets" means exactly the same thing as "Alexandrov topology", and the quasiorder given by Birkhoff is the same as the one given by Alexandrov, but in another wording. Birkhoff showed also that the "complete ring of sets" is a "complete field of sets" (the family is also closed under complementation) iff the quasiorder is an equivalence relation (i.e., it is symmetric); in topological terms, it means that the open sets coincide with the closed sets. Therefore the specialization theorem attributed to Alexandrov is in some way also due to Birkhoff. [1] Paul Alexandrov, Sur les espaces discrets, Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences 200 (1935), 1469-1471. [2] Paul Alexandrov, Diskrete Räume, Mat. Sb. 2 (1937), no. 44, 501-519. [3] Garrett Birkhoff, Sur les espaces discrets, Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences 201 (1935), 19-20. [4] Garrett Birkhoff, Rings of sets, Duke Math J. 3 (1937), no. 3, 443-454. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================= 4 Recent literature ========================================================= Proceedings of ISMM'07 ---------------------- The full BibTeX file to all published ISMM'07 materials can be found at the following URL: http://ismm.dpi.inpe.br/col/dpi.inpe.br/ismm@80/2007/ Book on Discrete Geometry (in French) ------------------------------------- @Book{coeurjolly-montanvert-chassery2007, editor = {Coeurjolly, D. and Montanvert, A. and Chassery, J.-M.}, title = {Géométrie discrète et images numériques}, publisher = {Lavoisier}, url = {http://liris.cnrs.fr/traite-geom-discrete/} year = 2007, note = {(Traité IC2, série signal et image)} } ---------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ End of mdigest Digest V14 Issue 3 Dec 07 ******************************************* =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=